Customer Testimonials

Please have a look, what our clients are saying about our products, services, and support:

Their constant innovation and better service through offering their traders a wide range of services. Their support is excellent. Their low spread. I made a profit 0f $12,540 in the account of $1,500 in one week due to a very low spread. They are the most profitable broker I have worked with.
Mikel Jose
All in all, this broker was AMAZING!!! The execution was amazing. Their support was really good. I will recommend this broker to all professional traders.
This was a very great training. I feel that it related to real-life sales situations, and I will be able to bring my learnings into each sales call.
CEO - Saxton
Thank you so much for the great training! For the first time ever I wasn’t nervous going to a customer meeting—I had my plan and knew exactly what I was going to do.
Miranda Rodricks
One of the things that I truly enjoy about Lucrorx is its constant innovation. They seem to always work to provide a better service by offering their traders a wide range of services. Their support is excellent, but honestly, you will never require them as their platform is solid and I have never experienced an outage or trading issues.
Bailey Hassan
I really enjoyed trading with this broker and making handsome money with fair trading conditions, They keep their word and supper execution technology, No slippage or dealing desk. I would recommend others to this broker.
I have attended many sales training programs, and I enjoyed this one the most. Both instructors were very knowledgeable and engaging. I found that the models really work and are of value to me. I will be able to use this in the field to increase my ability to engage my customers and grow my business. Overall, I will be a better communicator.
Director - TriNet
The instructor made the course very enjoyable while still providing a lot of useful information. I really enjoyed taking this workshop and would recommend others to do so as well.

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Contact Lucror for assistance  at +64 9-972 2150